The So What

Call For Submissions

Call For Papers

Netflix’s The Decameron Special Issue

The So What welcomes proposals for short, public-facing pieces engaging with Netflix’s The Decameron for a special issue of TSW planned for web publication in late 2025.

We are interested in critical, pedagogical, and creative pieces that explore the Netflix series from a wide variety of angles and approaches, including: plague studies, the history of medicine and science, premodern critical race studies, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, adaptation theory, and so on. Full CFP available here.

Proposal Submission Deadline: December 31st, 2024

Call For Papers

Image of an Apple device with an app cluster open, the cluster includes logosfor Twitter/X, Instagram, Whatsapp, and more. The device is against a black background.

Social Media and the Medieval Special Issue

The So What welcomes proposals for short, public-facing pieces — whether critical, pedagogical, or creative — on social media accounts that engage with the medieval period for a special issue of TSW planned for on-line publication in 2025 or early 2026. 

Whether it’s Instagram, Twitter (currently known as X), YouTube, TikTok, or other social media platforms, we’re interested in social media that engages with, or remediates, the medieval period on various subjects, including history, literature, manuscripts, animals, physical objects, etc. Some accounts may take a more straight forward, literal approach while others may utilize humor and parody. Full CFP available here.

Proposal Submission Deadline: March 31st, 2025