Subscription Information:
Arthuriana is published four (4) times yearly, normally appearing in March, June, September, December. Standing Orders are accepted; no agency discounts. The journal is published by Scriptorium Press, a tax Exempt, 501c non-profit organization; US ID number 75-2877880. Independent subscriptions to Arthuriana are available to individuals at an annual rate of $125 ($175 for non-US subscriptions); to institutions and libraries at an annual rate of $300 domestic ($350 elsewhere; payments may be made in US. dollars by international postal order or by check drawn on a US bank in US dollars) payable to Arthuriana and sent to the journal at English Department, Purdue University, 500 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA. MasterCard/Visa payments are also accepted via PayPal (see the subscription options below). For more information please contact the Arthuriana office by email (
All memberships and subscriptions are available by calendar year only, beginning with the Spring issue. Arthuriana is also available online (see below) at a cost of $100 US. Back issues of Arthuriana online are available from 1995 at a cost of $50 per each issue. Printed single current and single back issues may be purchased for $85 postpaid within the US, and $100 postpaid outside the US. Back volumes are available at a cost of $200 per volume within the US (for non-US addresses, the cost is $250 per volume).
If renewing a subscription, please include your 4 digit account number with your name when filling out the order form on.
Arthuriana e-subscriptions (like the journal in hard copy) run by the calendar year only. The e-subscriptions are for individuals only; no institutional e-subscriptions are available except through Project Muse or other e-consolidators. E-subscriptions must be paid by check, money order, or credit card before a password will be assigned. Note that on-line access is by single calendar year only (if you order an e-subscription for 2003, for example, you get access to only and all 2003 issues; if you order for 2014, you get access to only and all 2014 issues). We cannot cancel or refund e-subscriptions. Send US $50 per year (or your name, card number, and expiration date) for on-line subscriptions to Arthuriana, English Department, Purdue University, 500 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907, or click on the "Subscribe Now" button above to subscribe online via PayPal.
Arthuriana is also available to individuals around the globe (not institutions) as part of the membership package of the International Arthurian Society - North American Branch. For more information about the IAS/NAB please click here.
Arthuriana (ISSN 1078-6279) is published quarterly by Scriptorium Press. Copyright for everything published in the journal rests with the publisher.