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Table of Contents
Special Issue: The Grail and The Quest
Edited by Norris J. Lacy
Introduction 3
Norris Lacy
The Perpetual Enigma of Chrétien's Grail Episode 6
Jeff Rider
Wolfram's Grail 22
William C. McDonald
Mothers in the Grail Quest: Desire, Pleasure, and Conception 35
Peggy McCracken
Gender, Genealogy, and the 'Story of the Three Spindles' in the Queste del Saint Graal 49
Jennifer E. Looper
Gender and the Grail 67
Maureen Fries
Paolo Cherchi, Andreas and the Ambiguity of Courtly Love 80
Stephen Stallcup
Claudia Seebass-Linggi, Lecture d' 'Erec':Traces epiques et troubadouresques dan le conte de Chretien de Troyes
Norris J. Lacy
Roger Pensom, Reading Beroul's Tristan: A poetic Narrative and the Anthropology of its Reception 83
Janina P. Traxler
Lisa Jefferson, Oaths, Vows and Promises in the First Part of the French Prose Lancelot Romance 85
Judith Barban
Norris J. Lacy, ed., Lancelot-Grail: The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and Post-Vulgate in Translation, vol.III 86
Karen Fresco
Joelle Fuhrmann, La representation de la femme dans le 'novelle' allemande du moyen age tardif: Description de quelques schemas normatifs de l'imaginaire masculin et patriarcal 91
Hartwig Mayer
Idelle Sullens, ed., Robert Mannyng of Brunne: The Chronicle 92
Richard J. Moll
Andrew Lynch, Malory's Book of Arms: The Narrative of Combat in Le Morte Darthur 93
P.J.C. Field
Elizabeth Archibald and A.S.G. Edwards, eds., A Companion to Malory 95
Maureen Fries
Elizabeth Archibald and A.S.G. Edwards, eds., A Companion to Malory 97
Edward Donald Kennedy
Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage, eds., Handbook of Medieval Sexuality 99
Michael Uebel
Das Mittelalter: Perpektiven mediavistischer Forschung. Joerg O. Ficte, ed., 'Providentia-Fatum-Fortuna.' Hedwig Rochelein and Hans-Werner Goetz, eds., 'Frauen-Beziehungsgeflechte in Mittelalter 100
Susan Hafner
D. Vance Smith and Michael Uebel, Medieval Studies. A Special issue of New Literary History 102
Laurie Finke
Pietro Boitani and Anna Torti, eds., Medievalitas: Reading the Middle Ages 103
Janine Rogers
Frederick Lees, The Arthuriad of Catamandus 105
Caitlin Matthews
Frederick Lees, The Arthuriad of Catamandus 106
Tim Clarkson