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Table of Contents


Special Issue: William Morris and King Arthur
Edited by Debra Mancoff and Bonnie Wheeler

William Morris and King Arthur 1

Debra N. Mancoff

'The glory and the freshness of a dream': Arthurian Romance as Reconstructed Childhood 3

Frederick Kirchhoff

The Public Life and Private Desires of Women in William Morris's 'Defence of Guenevere' 15

Laura Struve

William Morris, Robert Bulwer-Lytton, and the Arthurian Poetry of the 1850s 31

Florence Boos

Problems with the Pattern: William Morris's Arthurian Imagery 55

Debra N. Mancoff



N.J. Higham, The English Conquest: Gildas and Britain in the Fifth Century 69

Christopher A. Snyder

N.J. Higham, The English Conquest: Gildas and Britain in the Fifth Century 72

D.R. Howlett

Theresa M. Vann, ed., Queens, Regents and Potentates 75

Felice Lifshitz

David R. Howlett, ed. and trans., Liber epistolarum sancti Patricii episcopi. The Book of the Letters of Saint Patrick the Bishop 76

Marina Smyth

David R. Howlett, The Celtic Latin Tradition of Biblical Style 78

Christopher A. Snyder

Jean Renart, The Romance of the Rose or of Guillaume de Dole (Roman de la Rose ou de Guillaume de Dole), ed. and trans., Regina Psaki 80

Norris J. Lacy

Rachel Bromwich, A.O.H. Jarman, and Brynley F. Roberts, eds., The Arthur of the Welsh: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Welsh Literature 82

Catherine A. McKenna

Ad Putter, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian Romance 83

C.M. Adderley

Barbara A. Hanawalt and Katheryn L. Reyerson, eds., City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe 86

Paul Freedman

Matthias Pfaffenbichler, Armourers 88

Tim Clarkson