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Table of Contents


The 2023 Tolhurst Lecture

‘A noble knyght and a myghty man’: Gareth as Disruptive Presence and Absence in Malory’s Morte Darthur 3

Margaret A. Finlay


Knights in Bronze: The Ciceronian Upbringings of Perceval and Achilles 29

Vincent Giordano

Locating Labor in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 59

Margo Kolenda-Mason


Winner of the ‘Fair Unknown’ Award

The Weavers’ Lament: Gender, Labor, Collective, and Custom in Chrétien and Malory 79

Dana Omirova



Visualizing Camelot: An Exhibition from the Collection of Alan Lupack and Barbara Lupack 95

Kevin J. Harty

Peter Brown and Jan Čermák, eds., England and Bohemia in the Age of Chaucer 97

Alfred Thomas

Elan Justice Pavlinich, Erotic Medievalisms: Medieval Pleasures Empowering Marginalized People 99

Angela Jane Weisl

Tom Shippey, trans., Leonard Neidorf, ed., Beowulf: Translation and Commentary 101

Ruth Wehlau

Marion Turner, Chaucer: Here and Now 102

Tison Pugh

Leo Carruthers, trans., Pearl / Perle, suivi de ‘Tolkien et Perle’ 104

Martine Yvernault