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Table of Contents

Introduction: Performing Emotions in the Arthurian World 3
Raluca L. Radulescu

The Performative Function of the Socialized Body: Falling to One’s Knees in Hartmann’s Iwein and Erec 8
Chloé Vondenhoff

‘Al was hi sward, wat scaetde dat?’: Emotions and Courtly Cultural Exchange in the Roman van Moriaen 28
Frank Brandsma

Evadeam, Gawain, Merlin: Penitential Transformation and Unseen Truth
in the ‘Dwarf Knight’ Section of the Vulgate Cycle 44
Mikayla Hunter

Extreme Emotions: Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle and the Danger from Within 57
Raluca L. Radulescu

In Memoriam: Necrology for Dhira Mahoney 74
Anita Obermeier and Georgiana Donavin


Ian Cornelius, Reconstructing Alliterative Verse: The Pursuit of a Medieval Meter 76
Andrew Galloway

Miriam Edlich-Muth, ed., Medieval Romances Across European Borders 78
Leah Haught

Sara Harris, The Linguistic Past in Twelfth-Century Britain 80
Scott Gwara

Geoffrey Russom, The Evolution of Verse Structure in Old and Middle English Poetry:
From the Earliest Alliterative Poems to Iambic Pentameter
Ian Cornelius

Judith Shoaf, ed. and trans., The Quest of the Holy Grail 85
Ann McCullough

Alison Stones, Studies in Arthurian Illustration 86
Alan Lupack