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Table of Contents

‘No Mowth Can Speke Hit’: Silence and Inexpressibility in Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur 3

Alicia A. McCartney

How King Arthur Invented Christmas: Reimagining Arthur and Rome
in Early Modern Scotland and England 25

Kenneth Hodges

Chivalric Labor, Artisanal Labor, and the Productive Strike in The Knightly Tale of Gologras and Gawain 43

Schuyler Eastin


The 2018 Loomises Lecture

The Evolving Iconography of the Tristan Legend from the Middle Ages to the Present,
with Special Emphasis on the Arthurian Revival in British Art 66

Joan Tasker Grimbert



Venetia Bridges, Medieval Narratives of Alexander the Great: Transnational Texts in England and France 105

Levilson C. Reis

Jo Ann Cavallo, ed., Teaching the Italian Renaissance Romance Epic 106

Gloria Allaire

Sarah Elliott Novacich, Shaping the Archive in Late Medieval England: History, Poetry, and Performance 109

Daniel Sawyer

Larissa Tracy, ed., Medieval and Early Modern Murder: Legal, Literary, and Historical Contexts 111

Benjamin A. Saltzman

William T. Whobrey, ed. and trans., The Nibelungenlied: with The Klage 112

Michael Resler