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Table of Contents
Interpretive Reading and Medieval Hunting Treatises in The Once & Future King 3
Katherine E.C. Willis
*Winner of the Fair Unknown Award*
‘Here is my Glove’: Introductory Oath-taking and Trial by Combat in Le Morte Darthur 20
Aubrey Morris
From Fantasies of Wilderness to Ecological Sovereignty: An Ecocritical Reading of the Vita Merlini 38
Alan S. Montroso
The Wounded Knight’s Stench in the Prose Lancelot: The Grail Quest Prefigured 56
David S. King
In Memoriam: Michael Norman Salda 69
Kevin J. Harty
Kathleen Biddick, Make and Let Die: Untimely Sovereignties 71
Robert S. Sturges
Frank Brandsma, Carolyne Larrington, and Corinne Saunders, eds., Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature: Body, Mind, Voice 72
Sonja Mayrhofer
Andrew B.R. Elliott, Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-first Century 74
Alan Baragona
Pamela Farvolden, ed., Lydgate’s Fabula Duorum Mercatorum and Guy of Warwyck 76
Martha W. Driver
Jón Karl Helgason, Echoes of Valhalla, The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas 78
Kevin J. Harty
K.S. Whetter, The Manuscript and Meaning of Malory’s Morte Darthur: Rubrication, Commemoration, Memorialization 80
Karen Cherewatuk
Jon Whitman, ed., Romance and History: Imagining Time from the Medieval to the Early Modern Period 82
Andrew James Johnston