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Table of Contents


From Thebes to Camelot: Incest, Civil War, and Kin-Slaying in the Fall of Arthur’s Kingdom 3

Paul Battles and Dominique Battles

Memories, Dreams, Shadows: Fantasy and the Reader in Susan Cooper’s The Grey King 29

Jennifer Bryan

There and Back Again: A Malorian Wild Man’s Tale 55

Laura Clark

The Questing Beast and the Noise of Adventure 73

Adam Spellmire

A Dark Mirror: Death and The Cadaver Tomb in The Awntyrs off Arthure 87

Alexander J. Zawacki



Chris Bishop, Medievalist Comics and the American Century 102

Richard Utz

Laine E. Doggett and Daniel E. O’Sullivan, eds., Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies: Essays in Honor of
E. Jane Burns

Lynn Shutters

Susanna Fein, ed., The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives 105

Laura Ashe

Cecilia A. Hatt, God and the Gawain-Poet: Theology and Genre in ‘Pearl,’ ‘Cleanness,’ ‘Patience,’ and ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ 108

Kevin Gustafson

Serina Patterson, ed., Games and Gaming in Medieval Literature 109

Ryan R. Judkins

Jaclyn Rajsic, Erik Kooper, and Dominique Hoche, eds., The Prose ‘Brut’ and Other Late Medieval Chronicles. Books Have Their Histories: Essays in Honour of Lister M. Matheson 111

Adrienne Williams Boyarin