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Table of Contents


Papers from the XXIIIrd Triennial International Arthurian Society Conference
University of Bristol, United Kingdom, July 25-30, 2011
I: The Natural World, Landscapes, and Geography

From the Editor 3

Dorsey Armstrong

Arthur Pendragon, Eco-Warrior 5

Laurie A. Finke and Martin B. Shichtman

The Eco-Tourist, English Heritage, and Arthurian Legend: Walking with Thoreau 20

Kathleen Coyne Kelly

Reading Ruins: Arthurian Caerleon and the Untimely Architecture of History 40

Robert Rouse

‘The Wilderness of Wirral’ in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 52

Gillian Rudd

The Round Table 66



Peter Ackroyd, The Death of King Arthur 73

Samantha J. Rayner

C. Stephen Jaeger, Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West 75

Albrecht Classen

Stephen Knight, ed., Robin Hood in Greenwood Stood: Alterity and Context in the
English Outlaw Tradition

Kevin J. Harty

Jeff Rider and Jamie Friedman, eds., The Inner Life of Women in Medieval Romance Literature:
Grief, Guilt, and Hypocrisy

Amy N. Vines

Linda Marie Zaerr, Performance and the Middle English Romance 81

Robert Boenig