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Table of Contents


From the editor

Bonnie Wheeler

Hebraizing Arthurian Romance: The Originality of Melech Artus 3

Paul R. Rovang

Border States: Parody, Sovereignty, and Hybrid Identity in The Carl of Carlisle 10

Sean Pollack

Righting History: Redemptive Potential and the Written Word in Malory 27

Jennifer Boulanger

'The honour of bothe courtes be nat lyke': Cornish Resistance to Arthurian Dominance in Malory 42

Michael W. Anderson

Merlin's Prophecies, Malory's Lacunae 58

Rachel Kapelle

Sir Thomas Malory and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell Reconsidered 82

Ralph Norris

The Round Table 103



Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur
A New Modern English Translation Based on the Winchester Manuscript 107

Parlor Press - Equipment for Living

Studies In Arthurian and Courtley Cultures 108

Series editor: Bonnie Wheeler


44th Annual International Congress Of Medieval Studies