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Table of Contents
Special Issue: The Troubled Heart of T.H. White: Women and The Once and Future King
By Kurth Sprague
Foreword: T.H. White Holdings at the Harry Ransom Center 3
Richard W. Oram
Preface 5
Kurth Sprague
Introduction 9
Kurth Sprague
Chapter One: T.H. White 13
Kurth Sprague
Chapter Two: Constance White 35
Kurth Sprague
Chapter Three: White’s Sources 47
Kurth Sprague
Chapter Four: Omitted and Minor Characters 69
Kurth Sprague
Chapter Five: Morgause 87
Kurth Sprague
Chapter Six: Guenever 107
Kurth Sprague
Conclusion 129
Kurth Sprague
Appendices 153
Kurth Sprague
Notes 178
Kurth Sprague
Survey of Criticism on White 190
Kurth Sprague
Bibliography 195
Kurth Sprague