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Table of Contents

Marie de France’s Chievrefoil, Hazel Rods, and the Ogam Letters Coll and Uillenn 3

William Sayers

Violence, Saracens, and English Identity in Of Arthour and of Merlin 16

Siobhain Bly Calkin

En-graving Chivalry: Tombs, Burial, and the Ideology of Knighthood in Malory’s Tale of King Arthur 37

Kenneth Tiller

Prison and Knightly Identity in Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur 54

Roberta Davidson

The Round Table

Three Notes by Helmut Nickel:
Who was Eslit?
What Kind of Aminal was the Questing Beast?
Black against White: What Color was King Arthur’s Horse? 64

Helmut Nickel

‘God bless the child that has his own’: The History of the IAS Vinaver Trust 73

Roy Barron

News from the North American Branch 78



Ann W. Astell, Joan of Arc and Sacrificial Authorship 83

Jane Marie Pinzino

Keith Busby, Codex and Context: Reading Old French Verse Narrative in Manuscript 85

Jean Blacker

Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Medieval Identity Machines 88

Tison Pugh

Carolyn Dinshaw and David Wallace, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women’s Writing 89

Christine Neufeld

Juliette Dor, ed., Conjointure arthurienne: Actes de la ‘Classe d’Excellence’ de la Chaire Francqui 1998 91

Norris J. Lacy

Mary C. Erler, Women, Reading, and Piety in Late Medieval England 92

Jacqueline Jenkins

Phillipa Hardman, ed., The Matter of Identity in Medieval Romance 93

Lynne Dahmen

Jacqueline Jenkins and Katherine J. Lewis, eds., St. Katherine of Alexandria,
Texts and Contexts in Western Medieval Europe

Kate Koppelman

Malory’s Le Morte Darthur: Anatomy of a Legend;
Understanding Sir Gawain and the Green Knight;
The Legend of Arthur in Literature and Popular Culture

Lorraine Kochanske Stock

Peter Meister, ed., Arthurian Literature and Christianity: Notes from the Twentieth Century 99

Wanda Zemler-Cizewski

Barbara Newman, God and the Goddesses: Vision, Poetry, and Belief in the Middle Ages 100

Jane Chance

O.J. Padel, Arthur in Medieval Welsh Literature 102

Kristen Lee Over

Liam O. Purdon, The Wakefield Master’s Dramatic Art: A Drama of Spiritual Understanding 104

Brad Greenburg

Philipp W. Rosemann, Understanding Scholastic Thought with Foucault 106

Wanda Zemler-Cizewski

Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Topographies of Gender in Middle High German Arthurian Romances 107

Susann T. Samples

Anthony Winterbourne, A Pagan Spoiled: Sex and Character in Wagner’s Parsifal 109

John Christopher Kleis