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Table of Contents
Hot Pursuit? Interlace and the Suggestion of Spatial Proximity in Chrétien de Troyes’s Yvain
and in the Old French Prose Lancelot 3
Frank Brandsma
Sir John Stanley (c. 1350–1414) and the Gawain-poet 15
Andrew Breeze
Malory and His Scribes 31
P.J.C. Field
Royal Policy and Malory’s Round Table 43
Robert L. Kelly
The Round Table Tales of Hoffman: A Selection from Speeches given at Kalamazoo
in May of 2003 in honor of Donald L. Hoffman upon his Retirement 72
Catherine Batt, Malory’s Morte Darthur: Remaking Arthurian Tradition 92
Felicia Ackerman
Catherine Batt, Malory’s Morte Darthur: Remaking Arthurian Tradition 93
K.S. Whetter
Fredric L. Cheyette, Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours 94
Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner
Fredric L. Cheyette, Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours 96
Mark N. Taylor
Christine Chism, Alliterative Revivals 98
Eric Eliason
Konrad Eisenbichler, ed., The Premodern Teenager: Youth in Society 1105–1650 100
Belle S. Tuten
John Howe and Michael Wolfe, eds., Inventing Medieval Landscapes:
Senses of Place in Western Europe 101
Michael A. Faletra
Andrew Joynes, ed., Medieval Ghost Stories: An Anthology of Miracles, Marvels, and Prodigies 102
Donald L. Hoffman
Ruth Mazzo Karras, From Boys to Men: Formation of Masculinity in Late Medieval Europe 104
Anna Roberts
Kathy M. Krause, ed., Reassessing the Heroine in Medieval French Literature 106
Janina P. Traxler
Rebecca Krug, Reading Families: Women’s Literate Practice in Late Medieval England 107
Mary C. Erler
Alan Lupack, ed., New Directions in Arthurian Studies 109
Donald L. Hoffman
Jacqueline Murray, ed., Love, Marriage and Family in the Middle Ages: A Reader 111
Belle S. Tuten
Gillian Polack, Illuminations 112
Judy Shoaf
C.A. Ralegh and Michael J. Swanton, eds., Arthurian Sites in the West 113
Christopher A. Snyder
D. Fairchild Ruggles, ed., Women, Patronage, and Self-Representation in Islamic Societies 114
Jacqueline De Weever
Theresa Ann Sears, Clio, Eros, Thanatos: The ‘Novela sentimental’ in Context 116
Barbara D. Miller
Christopher A. Snyder, The Britons 117
Charles T. Wood
Anthony Stevens, Ariadne’s Clue: a Guide to the Symbols of Humankind 118
Janet Jesmok
Richard E. Zeikowitz, Homoeroticism and Chivalry:
Discourses of Male Same-Sex Desire in the Fourteenth Century 120
Donald L. Hoffman
Brief Notices
John Aberth, A Knight at the Movies, Medieval History on Film
Sandra Gorgievski, Le mythe d’Arthur, de l’imaginaire médiéval à la culture de masse
Dominque Goy-Blanquet, ed., Joan of Arc, A Saint for All Reasons
Tom Shippey (with Martin Arnold), ed., Film and Fiction, Reviewing the Middle Ages
Jesse G. Swan and Richard Utz, eds., The Year’s Work in Medievalism: 2000–XVII 122
Kevin J. Harty