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Table of Contents


Special Issue: Reading Malory Aloud, Then and Now
Edited by Karen Cherewatuk and Joyce Coleman

An Introduction to Aural Malory: Sessions and Round Tables 3

Karen Cherewatuk

A Historical Linguistic Description of Sir Thomas Malory’s Dialect 14

Jeannette Marshall Denton

Reading Malory in the Fifteenth Century: Aural Reception and Performance Dynamics 48

Joyce Coleman

Reading Malory Aloud: Syntax, Gender, and Narrative Pace 71

Rosamund S. Allen

Reading Malory Aloud: Poetic Qualities and Distinctive Voice 86

Janet Jesmok

The Voice of Aurality in the Morte Darthur 103

Michael Twomey

Epilogue: Malory’s Morte Darthur and ‘the Place of the Voice’ 119

D. Thomas Hanks, Jr.