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Table of Contents
Rhyming Patterns and Structures of Meaning in the Stanzaic Morte Arthur 1
Jenifer Sutherland
Vision and History: Prophecy in the Middle English Prose Brut Chronicle 25
Tamar Drukker
The Bed and the Boat: Illustrations of the Demoiselle d'Escalot's Story in Illuminated Manuscripts of La Mort Artu 50
Virginie Greene
Between Knights: Triangular Desire and Sir Palomides in Sir Thomas Malory's The Book of Sir Tristram de Lyones 75
Olga Burakov Mongan
The Idea of Family in Chrétien de Troyes and Sir Thomas Malory 91
Jerome Mandel
Mike Ashley, ed., The Merriest Knight: The Collected Arthurian Tales of Theodore Goodridge Roberts 100
Michele D. Braun
Sarah Beckwith, Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays 101
Patricia Badir
W. Barnard Faraday, Pendragon 102
Kevin J. Harty
Hartmann von Aue, Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry: The Complete Works of
Hartmann von Aue 103
Will Hasty
Andrew E. Mathis, The King Arthur Myth in Modern American Literature 104
Raymond H. Thompson
John A. Quitslund, Spenser's Supreme Fiction: Platonic Natural History and The Fairie Queene 105
Alfred K. Siewers
Elizabeth S. Sklar and Donald L. Hoffman, eds., King Arthur in Popular Culture 107
Kevin J. Harty
Andrew Taylor, Textual Situations: Three Medieval Manuscripts and Their Readers 109
Joel Fredell
Juliann Vitullo, The Chivalric Epic in Medieval Italy 111
F. Regina Psaki