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Table of Contents


Special Issue: Essays on the Lancelot-Grail Cycle
Edited by Carol Dover

Introduction 4

Carol Dover

From Quest to Quest: Perceval and Galahad in the Prose Lancelot 7

Annie Combes

How the Demoiselle d'Escalot Became a Picture 31

Virginie Greene

Guinevere as Lord 49

Anne P. Longley

L'Estoire de Merlin and the Mirage of the Patrilineage 63

Jennifer E. Looper

Naming and Renaming: On Two Grail Scenes in L'Estoire del Saint Graal 87

Mireille Séguy

The Round Table 103



Kathleen Ashley and Robert L.A. Clark, eds., Medieval Conduct 109

Anne Clark Bartlett

W.R.J. Barron, ed., The Arthur of the English 112

Siân Echard

Robin Blaetz, Visions of the Maid: Joan of Arc in American Film and Culture 113

Kevin J. Harty

Robert J. Blanch, The Gawain Poems: A Reference Guide, 1978-1993 115

Ad Putter

Peter Brown, ed., Reading Dreams: The Interpretation of Dreams from Chaucer to Shakespeare 117

Edward Wheatley

Glenn Burger and Steven F. Kruger, eds., Queering the Middle Ages 118

Jacqueline Murray

Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl, eds., Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity
in the Middle Ages

Christine Neufeld

Jane Chance, Medieval Mythography Volume II: From the School of Chartres to the Court at
Avignon, 1177-1350

Claire Fanger

Anne Marie D'Arcy, Wisdom and the Grail: The Image of the Vessel in the Queste del Saint Graal and Malory's Tale of the Sankgreal 123

Dorsey Armstrong


Mary Dockray-Miller, Motherhood and Mothering in Ango-Saxon England 124

Stacy S. Klein

Elizabeth Edwards, The Genesis of Narrative in Malory's Morte Darthur 126

Felicia Ackerman

Joe B. Fulton, Mark Twain in the Margins: The Quarry Farm Marginalia and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 127

James S. Leonard

Sunhee Kim Gertz, Chaucer to Shakespeare, 1337-1580 129

Claire M. Busse

Justin E. Griffin, The Holy Grail: The Legend, the History, the Evidence 130

Christopher A. Snyder

Amy Hale, Alan M. Kent, and Tim Saunders, eds., Inside Merlin's Cave: A Cornish
Arthurian Reader 1000-2000

Peter H. Goodrich

D. Thomas Hanks, Jr. and Jessica G. Brogdon, eds., The Social and Literary Contexts of
 Morte Darthur 133

Patricia Clare Ingham

Kristina Hildebrand, The Female Reader at the Round Table: Religion and Women in Three Contemporary Arthurian Texts 135

Elizabeth S. Sklar

Larry Howard, The Song of Sir Rod the Long: A Gay Romance of the Round Table 136

Donald L. Hoffman

Gil Junger, dir., Black Knight 139

Elizabeth S. Sklar

Phyllis Ann Karr, The Follies of Sir Harald 140

Ann F. Howey

Clare A. Lees, Tradition and Belief: Religious Writing in Late Anglo-Saxon England 142

Shearle Furnish

Françoise Meltzer, For Fear of the Fire: Joan of Arc and the Limits of Subjectivity 143

Robin Blaetz

Lori Humphrey Newcomb, Reading Popular Romance in Early Modern England 144

Stephen Guy-Bray

Paul Oppenheimer, ed. and trans., Till Eulenspiegel, His Adventures 146

Albrecht Classen

Caroline Palmer, compiler, The Artuhurian Bibliography: III 1978-1992 147

Dan Nastali

Philippe Menard, et al, eds., Le Roman de Tristan en Prose, vols I, II, and III 149

Janina P. Traxler

David F. Johnson and Geert H.M. Claassens, eds., Roman van Walewein and Ferguut 155

Erik Kooper

Barbara H. Rosenwein, A Short History of the Middle Ages 157

Blake Beattie

Corinne Saunders, Rape and Ravishment in the Literature of Medieval England 159

Christine M. Rose

Paul Strohm, Theory and the Premodern Text 161

Carl James Grindley

Bonnie Wheeler and Fiona Tolhurst, eds., On Arthurian Women: Essays in Memory of Maureen Fries 162

Sandra Ihle

Bonnie Wheeler, Robert L. Kindrick, and Michael N. Salda, eds., The Malory Debate: Essays on the Texts of Le Morte Darthur 164

Elizabeth Archibald