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Table of Contents
Special Issue: Essays from the Camelot 2000 Conference
Edited by Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack
Dedicated to the memory of noted Arthurian scholar and esteemed colleague Beverly Kennedy (1934-2000)
Introduction 1
Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack
Does Tristan Think or Doesn't He? The Pleasures of the Middle English Sir Tristrem 3
Dana M. Symons
Problem Women' in Heinrich von dem Türlin's Diu Crône 23
Susann T. Samples
‘Men hadde niet Arsatere vonden alsoe goet': Walewein as Healer in the Middle Dutch Arthurian Tradition 39
David F. Johnson
Re-writing Malory: Vinaver's Selected Tales 53
Elizabeth S. Sklar
Malory's Reformulation of Shame 64
Angela Gibson
Building Arthurian Castles in Spain: William Sotheby's Constance de Castile 77
Roger Simpson
Warwick Deeping's Uther and Igraine 88
John Conlee
Once and Future Saxons: Nazis and Other Dark Forces in Modern Arthurian Story 96
Janina P. Traxler
Searching for Arthur: Literary Highways, Electronic Byways, and Cultural Back Roads 108
Dan Nastali and Phil Boardman
Isaac Albéniz, Merlin. An opera on audio CD 123
Jerome V. Reel, Jr.
Laurel Amtower, Engaging Words: The Culture of Reading in the Later Middle Ages 124
Ralph Hanna
Cherith Baldry, Exiled from Camelot 126
Ann F. Howey
Dorothy H. Brown, Christian Humanism in the Late English Morality Plays 127
Kent Cartwright
Steve Ellis, Chaucer at Large: The Poet in the Modern Imagination 129
Peter G. Christensen
Brian Helgeland, dir., A Knight's Tale and Brian Helgeland, A Knights Tale: The Shooting Script 131
Kevin J. Harty
Laura F. Hodges, Chaucer and Costume: The Secular Pilgrims in the General Prologue 132
Garrett Epp
Ann F. Howey, Rewriting the Women of Camelot: Arthurian Popular Fiction and Feminism 133
Jacqueline Jenkins
Hyonjin Kim, The Knight without the Sword: A Social Landscape of Malorian Chivalry 135
Karen Cherewatuk
Hyonjin Kim, 'The Knight without the Sword: A Social Landscape of Malorian Chivalry 137
Felicia Ackerman
Edison Marshall, The Pagan King 138
Kevin Grimm
Naomi Mitchison, To the Chapel Perilous and Edward Frankland, Arthur, the Bear of Britain and Dorothy James Roberts, Kinsmen of the Grail 139
Alan Lupack
John Scattergood, The Lost Tradition: Essays on Middle English Alliterative Poetry 141
Kevin Gustafson
Brian Stock, After Augustine: The Meditative Reader and the Text 142
Mary Agnes Edsall
Mary-Ann Stouck, ed., Medieval Saints: A Reader and Thomas Head, ed., Medieval Hagiography:
An Anthology 144
Patricia Badir